Dyfodol Rhuthun
Ruthin Future
Y Dref, ei Phobl a’i Chynnydd ® People, Place & Potential
Ruthin Future is Ruthin Town Council's community plan initiative which was established in 2011, and has supported the implementation of a number of projects, including the Ruthin Art Trail, and more recently the development of The Old Courthouse to be a Community, Civic and Visitor hub.
Ruthin Town Council are now embarking on another community engagement period to outline how key ambitions are progressing as projects in partnership with other stakeholders. Projects include Public Realm improvements for The Heart of The Town and creating ‘Parc Clwyd’ by improving the network of Green spaces within the town and alongside the river.
As part of the initiative, local people had numerous opportunities in September 2023 to engage through a programme of events that put Ruthin once again at the forefront of national debate about the sustainability of smaller UK Towns. Educators and professionals in planning, regeneration and engagement gathered on Wednesday 20th September for the Ruthin Future Small Town Summit. Future events will be planned as projects progress.
Dyfodol Rhuthun yw menter cynllun cymunedol Cyngor Tref Rhuthun a sefydlwyd yn 2011, ac sydd wedi cefnogi gweithredu nifer o brosiectau, gan gynnwys Llwybr Celf Rhuthun, ac yn fwy diweddar datblygiad Yr Hen Lys i fod yn ganolbwynt Cymunedol, Dinesig ac Ymwelwyr.
Mae Cyngor Tref Rhuthun yn awr yn cychwyn ar gyfnod ymgysylltu cymunedol arall i amlinellu sut mae uchelgeisiau allweddol yn datblygu fel prosiectau mewn partneriaeth â rhanddeiliaid eraill. Mae’r prosiectau’n cynnwys gwelliannau Parth Cyhoeddus ar gyfer Calon y Dref, creu ‘Parc Clwyd’ drwy wella’r rhwydwaith o fannau gwyrdd yn y dref ac ar hyd yr afon.
Fel rhan o’r fenter, cafodd pobl leol nifer o gyfleoedd ym mis Medi 2023 i gymryd rhan drwy raglen o ddigwyddiadau a roddodd Rhuthun unwaith eto ar flaen y gad mewn trafodaeth genedlaethol am gynaliadwyedd Trefi llai yn y DU. Daeth addysgwyr a gweithwyr proffesiynol ym meysydd cynllunio, adfywio ac ymgysylltu ynghyd ddydd Mercher 20 Medi ar gyfer Uwchgynhadledd Trefi Bach y Dyfodol yn Rhuthun. Bydd digwyddiadau yn y dyfodol yn cael eu cynllunio wrth i brosiectau fynd rhagddynt.
Ardal Cadwraeth • Conservation Area
Mae calon Rhuthun wedi'i diogelu fel ardal gadwraeth oherwydd ei chymeriad arbennig a'i threftadaeth, a chaiff hyn ei ategu gan y nifer fawr o adeiladau rhestredig sy'n cael cynnig gwarchodaeth ychwanegol. Rhestredig neu beidio - mae'n rhaid i BOB adeilad sydd wedi'i leoli o fewn Ardal Gadwraeth gadw at ofynion llymach sy'n cynnwys dewis lliw, ffenestri, drysau a blaenau siopau, deunyddiau.
Yn ddiweddar mae rhai eiddo wedi cael problemau gyda chamau gorfodi gan eu bod wedi gwneud gwaith nad yw'n cydymffurfio â gofynion Cadwraeth neu Restredig. Mae gwybodaeth am adeiladau rhestredig ac Ardaloedd Cadwraeth ar wefan Cyngor Sir Ddinbych, ond fel cymorth i berchnogion eiddo lleol rydym yn rhannu isod y dogfennau a gynhyrchwyd gan Gyngor Sir Ddinbych ar gyngor Ardal Gadwraeth fel y gallant gynorthwyo unrhyw un sydd am wella eu heiddo, a gallu cyrchu cyngor priodol.
The heart of Ruthin is protected as a conservation area for its special character and heritage, this is supplemented by the very many listed buildings that are offered additional protection. Listed or not - ALL buildings located within a Conservation area have to adhere to more stringent requirements which include colour choice, windows, doors and shopfronts, materials.
Recently some properties have encountered problems with enforcement action as they have undertaken works that do not adhere to Conservation or Listed requirements. Information on listed building and Conservation Areas are on the Denbighshire County Council website, but as an aide for local property owners we are sharing below the documents produce by Denbighshire County Council on Conservation Area advice so that they can assist anyone looking to improve their premises, and be able to access appropriate advice.
Denbighshire County Council pages on Conservation Areas & Listed Buildings Link HERE
Download Advice documents below (Dogfennau Cymraeg i ddilyn)
- Rhanwch eich barn • Share your views
Defnyddiwch y ffurflen isod i awgrymu cwestiynau neu bynciau y gallem eu cynnwys yn ein harddangosfa i wahodd y gymuned i roi sylwadau arnynt. • Use the form below to suggest questions or subjects that we could include in our exhibition to invite the community to comment on.
Lawrlwytho Dogfen • Document Download
Gellir lawrlwytho dogfennau menter blaenorol Dyfodol Rhuthun isod:
Previous Ruthin Future initiative documents can be downloaded below:
Rhuthun • Tref Farchnad y Dyfodol • 2012
Ruthin • Market Town of The Future • 2012
Dogfen pedwar rhan pdf • Four part document pdf
Dyfodol Rhuthun 2 • 2018
Ruhtin Future 2 • 2018
Dogfen pedwar rhan pdf • Four part document pdf
Themes and titles subject to change as calendar and events are confirmed.
Themâu a theitlau yn amodol i newid wrth i galendr a digwyddiadau gael eu cadarnhau.